Father: Leizer (Lazar, Lazor) Chervin
Mother: Sheina Reise (Taibl, Taube) Epstein
Spouse: Sonia Gruchik
Biographical information:
Born 1909 in Ekaterinoslav gubernia, Mariupol region. Jewish Colony #14. Kobylnoe. Died in the holocaust in 1942. Tractor driver, collective farm. Zaporzhye, Sladkovodnoye, Ukraine.
Sources: Shparber family tree at http://familytrees.genopro.com/beerus/ (Russian). Yad Vashem, Soviet Extr. Comm. (birth date given as 1906, name read as Abrab).
Chervins of Ukraine
Yad Vashem, Ekaterinoslav, Ukraine
Chervin Family Home Page