Father: Luis Heyser Chervin
Mother: Rosa (Rosita) Gribnicow de Chervin
Spouse: Silvia Noemi Chervin
Biographical information:
Born Nov. 20, 1949 in Buenos Aires. Living in Israel since 1982.
Builder, retired.
Co-founder of the Conservative Kehilat Amitai (community organization)
in Raanana (1992).
Julio Enrique Chervin, born Nov. 20, 1949 in Buenos Aires, Argentina, sone of Luis Heyser Chervin and Rosa Gribnicow. Julio (builder, retired), is married to Sylvia Noemi Slavkes de Chervin, born Jan. 8, 1951 in Buenos Aires, Argentina, daughte of Paulina Mitelman and Salomon (Shulem) Slavkes. Sylvia has a master's degree in Special Education and Learning Disabilities, for Spanish, Hebrew, and English speakers. Julio and Sylvia have been living in Israel since July 12, 1982, in Raanan, and have three sons: Daniel Andres is an engineer in computer science and physics [Sep. 25, 1971], Fernando Gabriel Arik is a Therapeutic Sports Trainer [July 20, 1974], and Pablo Roberto Uriel [Oct. 22, 1976] is studying Economics and Business Management, and lives in Tel Aviv with his girl friend. The eldest son of Julio and Sylvia, Daniel, is married to Iris Perelman, Israeli, a children's fashion designer [Aug. 9, 1971], and they have three sons, Itamar [June 8, 2002], Eitan [July 27, 2003] and Michal Polyanan [June 13, 2006]. The second son of Julio and Sylvia is Fernando, and he is married to Hanni Gvirts, an equestrian who has won various prizes in her career. She is Canadian-Israeli [June 17, 1977] and they have one son aged 8 months, Dvir Zeev [Jan. 19, 2007]. Julio and Sylvia's third son is Pablo, a bachelor. The whole family belongs to the Conservative Kehilat Amitai in Raanana, and founded it 15 years ago (1992).
Esteban (2004?)
Matias Chervin, June 2005.
Julio Chervin, 2007
Geni profile managed by Martin Perlman
Chervins of Argentina
Los Chervin de Argentina
Chervin Family Home Page