Yankel Czerwin , Death Record, 1899

Yankel Czerwin death record
Facing Pages (Left: Yiddish, Right: Russian)
Yankel Czerwin death record
Entries for Yankel (mislabelled 554 in the Yiddish version)

Obtained by Stew Cherlin from the Lithuanian State Historical Archives (Lietuvos Valstybes Istorijos Archyvas), 2011
Top: Death record on facing pages, Yiddish on the left and Russian on the right.
Bottom: Extract from the full record showing the lines for Yankel in both versions.

Entry # Location of
death and burial
Month and day Age at death Cause of Death Name
(misprint on left side)
(Entry at top)
Sep. 23/Tishri 30
(Entry at top)
44 Kidney failure Svirsky Yakov Welkovitz
Svirskii Yankel' Vel'kovich Tservin'

back Hall 1A, Cherlin Wing.